Well - I feel the need to brag a bit.
Not exactly the best picture.
But - Puff is all done - I lustred his wings and horns with gold.
I entered him in our teapot contest.
And -
He won first prize for the "Funkiest Teapot".
This picture was taken during set-up at the contest - so, I'll have to remember to go up and take another picture of him.
He's now on a nice pedestal with the other pots - and there's a card mentioning the prizes.
The competition was stiff - there were some gorgeous teapots there, so I was very surprised when I went to the opening, and saw him up with the winners.
I'm proud of me. Now - I have to get back to making some more, as I have a couple of orders to complete. I have some ideas for changes. Watch this space for further updates.